Biostar TB360-BTC PRO Ver. 6.x LGA1151 DDR4 Helps DX12/HDCP ATX Motherboard (Finest to Crypto-Mining) Helps ninth & eighth Era Intel Core Processor ONLY !! Please test CPU compatibility earlier than you buy! Intel B360 single chip structure Help 2-DIMM DDR4-1866/2133/2400/2666 as much as 32G most capability Help 12 x PCI-E 3.0 slots Help M.2 (6Gb/s) Connector Help HDMI Connector Please click on for extra CPU compatibility ninth Gen Intel Core i9 LGA 1151 Processor ninth Gen Intel Core i7 LGA 1151 Processor ninth Gen Intel Core i5 LGA 1151 Processor ninth Gen Intel Core i3 LGA 1151 Processor eighth Gen Intel Core i7 LGA 1151 Processor eighth Gen Intel Core i5 LGA 1151 Processor eighth Gen Intel Core i3 LGA 1151 Processor eighth Gen Intel Pentium LGA 1151 Processor eighth Gen Intel Celeron LGA 1151 Processor
Biostar TB360-BTC PRO Ver. 6.x LGA1151 DDR4 Helps DX12/HDCP Crypto-Mining Motherboard with MX-4 4G 2019 Version Thermal Compound (4.0 g)
Category: Mining Motherboard
Tag: Mining Motherboard
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