ATI FirePro V8700 Workstation Graphics Accelerator with Unified Shaders; Bus Interface:Native PCI Specific 2.0 x16 lane; Output Connectivity Two Show Ports connectors, one Twin-Hyperlink DVI-I connector and one stereo connector. One DVI-I to VGA adapters and one Show Port to Single-Hyperlink DVI-I adaptor. Working System Assist :Home windows XP, Home windows XP64, Home windows Vista, Home windows Vista64, Linux 32, Linux 64 API Assist OpenGL 2.1 with Shading Language, DirectX 10.1; System Necessities, Obtainable PCI Specific 2.0 x16 lane slot, Home windows XP / XP64 / Vista / Vista64 or Linux 32 / 64, 512MB of system reminiscence , CD-ROM drive for software program set up, 350-Watt energy provide or better ; Retail Package deal Contents : ATI FirePro V8700 PCI Specific workstation graphics accelerator , Set up CD with drivers and documentation, Fast Begin Reference Information, One DVI-I to VGA adapter, One Show Port to single-link DVI-I adaptor
New-FirePro V8700 RETAIL PKG – 100505554
Category: Graphics Card
Tag: amd graphics card
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