Mannequin: BTC-37
CPU: CPU 1037U @1.80GHz
Chipset: HM77 Chipset
Show: Onboard VGA+HDMI + PCIE X16(For Discrete Graphics Card)
RAM: 1* DDR3 SODIMM Slot, Help 1066/1333/1600MHz
Community:Onboard 1*RTL8111F Chipset for Gigabit Community(Help Community Boot or PXE Boot)
Storage:1*SATA3.0+1*SATA2.0+ 1*mSATA2.0
USB: 4*USB2.0 + 2* F USB2.0 Header
SuperlO:ITE IT8772E
Extensible Port: 8*PCIE 16X (PCIE x1 GEN2 Pace) 1*SATA3.0 + 1*SATA2.0 + 1*mSATA2.0 HDD Interface
PSU Answer: ATX 24PIN
This product is a motherboard CPU set for mining machines, which has the traits of low energy consumption, low warmth technology, power saving and energy saving.
Reminiscence slot, 8 graphics card plugs.
The precise work carried out for you is lasting and useful.
Extensible Port: 8*PCIE 16X (PCIE x1 GEN2 Pace) 1*SATA3.0 + 1*SATA2.0 + 1*mSATA2.0 HDD Interface.
Reminiscence slot, 8 graphics card plugs. [Memory]: 1 * DDR3SODIMM slot, assist 1066/1333 / 1600MHz.
QWERTYUIOP GPU Miner Machine Motherboard BTC-T37 hm77 Chipset ATX Cryptocurrency 8 pcie Mining Motherboard and Mining Host
Category: Mining Motherboard
Tag: Mining Motherboard
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